Fresh Tilapia Tacos

Fresh Tilapia Tacos

Serves 4


8 (6") Kowalski's Flour Tortillas
3 tbsp. Kowalski's Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
8 tilapia fillets, cut in half lengthwise
1 tbsp. Kowalski's Ancho or Chipotle Chile Powder
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. finely chopped garlic
- garnishes, to taste: shredded cabbage, shredded Monterey Jack cheese, Kowalski's Salsa, chopped avocado, chopped fresh cilantro, sliced radishes and jalapeños
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  1. In a large skillet, heat tortillas one at a time over medium-high heat until softened (about 30 sec. per side). Wrap in a clean, slightly moist dish towel to keep them warm and soft.
  2. Brush tilapia fillets with 2 tbsp. oil; rub with chile powder and salt.
  3. Heat remaining oil and garlic in the skillet over medium-high heat; cook fish for 5 min.
  4. Flip fish; continue cooking until tilapia is no longer opaque (3-5 min., depending on thickness of fillets).
  5. Divide tilapia between warm tortillas; top with desired garnishes.
  6. Fold in half; serve immediately.