Cooking At Home: It's Nuts!

Cooking At Home: It's Nuts!

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Pistachio-Chocolate Cloud Cookies Pistachio-Chocolate Cloud Cookies

At holiday time we end up with a lot of nuts at our house. No, not my family, actual nuts. Between Halloween and the New Year, tins of cashews, mixed nuts and pistachios (as well as a fair amount of whiskey) are delivered regularly from my husband's business associates. My husband doesn't really even like whiskey and he has a nut allergy (so ironic, I know), but my kids and I look forward to this time of year when we're buried in so many nuts that snacking alone can't put a dent in our supply. I have to start using them in everything from salads and brittle to pasta, ice cream and, of course, cookies!

This recipe for Pistachio-Chocolate Cloud Cookies is one of my favorites. They're easy to make and help use up the egg whites I always seem to have left over from other recipes. Plus, they "bake" overnight (in a turned-off oven!). They have a unique texture with a lightly crisp exterior and a chewy, almost marshmallowy interior.

View the Recipe

I especially love using pistachios, but if you have a different favorite nut, you can surely substitute them. Pecans would be also delicious, and since pistachios are actually a relative of cashews, cashews would substitute well, too.

Best wishes for a delicious New Year!


More Of My Favorite Holiday Nut Recipes

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