Sunny Citrus
Are you starting to get tired of the cold temperatures and icy, snowy conditions? Citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, kumquats, tangerines, and grapefruits (among others), are a great way to return the taste of summer to your table! This sunny option is at its peak condition now. Kowalski's picks only the best citrus selections from Texas, Mexico, California and even Spain to share with you and your family.
Citrus fruits are an excellent addition to many of your favorite meals. Enjoy one of our delicious Sky Valley Heirloom Oranges out of hand with your favorite chocolate, wine or cheese; these delicious oranges are juicy, sweet and have just the right amount of tang. Use the juices or zests from our huge Persian limes to enliven your favorite rice dish, salad dressing or meal. Or try cooking with the peel, flesh and juices of stunning and delicious blood oranges to bring out their intense sweet and sour combination; try it in our recipe for Blood Orange Bruschetta below. No matter how you choose to incorporate them into your menus and dishes this season, you'll appreciate the bright spot of sunshine citrus brings to our Minnesota winter.
Citrus Varieties
ORANGES – Oranges may have seeds or be seedless. The most popular varieties are navel and Valencia, but the red-fleshed blood oranges and the pink-fleshed Cara Caras are also well loved for their unique appearance, low acid profile and sweet flavor with just a hint of berry notes. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber and contain some vitamin A and folate.
TANGERINES & CLEMENTINES – Both are types of oranges, also known as Mandarin oranges. Their skin is loose and their segments divide with ease.
GRAPEFRUITS – Grapefruits from Florida and Texas usually arrive in October and last until June. They are sold as either white or pink and are called grapefruits because they grow in grape-like clusters. Grapefruits are a good source of vitamin C.
KUMQUATS – These grape-shaped citrus fruits contain a good amount of vitamin C and are an excellent source of fiber. The flesh is edible. Eat them whole or slice them into salads.
LEMONS – Good in sweet and savory dishes, the flesh is tart and slightly acidic. The grated zest is delicious in baked goods, salad dressings and grain dishes.
LIMES – Persian limes are the most common variety. Key limes are smaller and more yellow. They're very popular in mixed drinks and marinades.
POMELOS – Very similar to and interchangeable with grapefruit in most recipes, pomelos have a very thick, soft rind. They're high in vitamin C.
Selection may vary by season and by market.