Our Holiday Cookie Collection

Our Holiday Cookie Collection

A holiday without cookies is like a winter without snow – we don't want either! In the spirit of the season, Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron is sharing some of her favorite cookie recipes and tips for making baking time a little sweeter.

Classic Sugar Cookie Icing on Holiday Cookie Cutouts Classic Sugar Cookie Icing on Holiday Cookie Cutouts
  1. Make cookie dough one day or more before you want to bake the cookies. Most doughs do well with a chill anyway, and this allows you to clean up your measuring cups and mixing bowls before dragging out the baking sheets and cooling racks.
  2. Bake the dough the day or night before you want to decorate the cookies. Cookies need time to cool and, again, this gives you time to wash up your equipment in between. Plus, rolling and cutting cookies takes a fair amount of time. You'll likely need a rest before you're ready to delve into the décor.
  3. If you want to send cookies in the mail or plan to travel with them, select cutout shapes that are less likely to break. Avoid large cutters, especially ones that have odd shapes and narrow, fragile protrusions. Reindeer cookies, for example, will definitely lose their antlers in transit. Shortbread is also great for gifting, as it's naturally sturdy and lasts a long time.
  4. Need a gluten-free cookie? Shortbread and other sandy, naturally crumbly cookies don't need gluten to provide structure and chew (unlike drop cookies, such as chocolate chip). Simply subbing in a gluten-free baking flour according to package directions (many brands sub 1:1 for all-purpose flour) will do the trick.
  5. Fill out your home-baked cookie collection with freshly baked treats from the Bakery Department. No one says you have to make them all!

Find more holiday cookie recipes in our Recipes collection.

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.