P&TY Granola Co.

P&TY Granola Co.

Brit Williams started making granola bars in 2015 from her home. She didn't like the ingredients in the bars that her husband, Trevor, was eating and wanted a new snack that was nutrient packed without all the additives. She developed her own recipe for a bar he would eat that she knew was both good for her and tasty.

Over the next few years, Brit made her granola bars from home and brought them to all her events (she is also a full-time event manager), sharing them with staff as a piece of homemade energy goodness. In 2019, Brit managed an event for a nationwide national food store. The staff raved about her bars and said that she should sell them. So began Brit's journey to produce granola bars commercially!

P&TY Granola Bars are made with gluten-free oats, fair trade dark chocolate (which is also dairy free) and simple non-GMO ingredients, including nut butters that P&TY makes themselves. They come in earth-conscious packaging that's made from recycled materials.

P&TY stands for "Please & Thank You." When Brit came up with the name, she was teaching her two-year-old his manners.

"I noticed that I felt much differently when he would yell, 'No, thanks!' versus 'No!'" Brit said. "Although 'no, thank you,' is still a 'no,' it comes with a sense of respect and consideration. I thought, if manners could change how I feel when talking to a toddler, what could more manners do while talking with others – friends or strangers?"

Along with a name that promotes kindness, each P&TY bar is named after a different manner: Golden Rule, Pardon Me, Sharing is Caring, and You're Welcome. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, sometimes we need a little reminder to be courteous, empathetic and grateful. P&TY Granola Co. aims to be just that.

Find P&TY Granola Bars, locally made in Plymouth, Minnesota, in the Grocery Department.

P&TY Granola Co. P&TY Granola Co.
P&TY Granola Co. P&TY Granola Co.