Holiday Cookie Tarts

Holiday Cookie Tarts

Makes 15 cookie tarts and 15 mini cut-outs


15 oz. pkg. refrigerated pie crust sheets
1 egg white, beaten
- granulated sugar
8 oz. white chocolate melting discs
1 small zipper-closure freezer bag
7 oz. strawberry or lingonberry jam
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Unroll each pie crust onto counter; with a 4" cookie cutter, cut 30 shapes of your choice, rerolling trimmings as needed. Using a 1 ½" cookie cutter of the same shape, cut out the centers of ½ the cookies; arrange all on ungreased cookie sheets. Brush each cookie with egg white; sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake in a preheated 400° oven until lightly browned (6-7 min.); remove from cookie sheets and place on a wire cooling rack to cool completely. Place melting chocolate discs into a small zipper-closure freezer bag; microwave according to pkg. directions, squeezing bag every 15 sec. until completely melted. With scissors, snip off a small corner of the bag; drizzle melted chocolate over cookies. Let chocolate set. Spread strawberry jam over cookies that do not have the center shape removed; place a cookie with cut-out centers over jam to form cookie tarts. Store in an airtight container until ready to serve.