Organic Eggs

Organic Eggs

Kowalski's Certified USDA Organic Eggs come to us from Larry Schultz Organic Farm in Owatonna, Minnesota. Schultz chickens are free to eat and exercise anywhere within an airy, sunlit barn or to roam comfortably outdoors in grassy fence-free fields that are carefully monitored and protected from predators. This stress-free environment allows hens to develop into healthy, happy birds that make delicious, nutritious eggs high in omega-3 fatty acids (from the addition of flax meal to their organic feed).

The small organic family farm is a way of life for Larry. The fourth-generation Schultz farm has never been farmed conventionally with herbicides, insecticides or artificial fertilizers. Not willing to compromise the small farm and its many benefits, Larry helps model and teach his farming practices to other small organic farmers. As demand for organic eggs continues to increase and his farm has grown, Larry's neighbors and friends have begun to raise organic crops to feed the birds.

Look for our Grade A large dozens and Grade A extra-large dozens in the Dairy Department.

Kowalski's Organic Eggs Kowalski's Organic Eggs